
parallaz mapping, echarle un vistazo a este shader

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parallaz mapping, echarle un vistazo a este shader
« en: 01 Noviembre 2005, 12:35:19 »


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Re: parallaz mapping, echarle un vistazo a este shader
« Respuesta #1 en: 01 Noviembre 2005, 14:50:08 »
Habrá que hacer un índice de todos para no perdernos xDD

Está muy bien, una cosa más, pero seguimos con el problema en las siluetas, asique displacement map no te olvidamos.


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Re: parallaz mapping, echarle un vistazo a este shader
« Respuesta #2 en: 01 Noviembre 2005, 14:58:03 »
También está el Relief Texture Mapping al que ahora mismo no le veo muchas diferencias respecto a este, lo mismo si me leo en que consisten durante más de 1 minuto xD me entero, voi a ello.


2.1 Parallax Mapping
This technique approximates the parallax that can be observed on uneven surfaces. Parallax
mapping [3] alone will only approximate parallax and will not simulate occlusions,
silhouettes, or self shadowing. It is a 2D process, so no extra polygons are required. It will
be explained in detail in Section 4.1.
2.2 Displacement Mapping
The most straightforward way to achieve parallax effects when simulating a complex
complex surface is to build a detailed model of the surface. Displacement mapping [2] is a
technique that subdivides a surface into a large number of small triangles. The vertices of
these triangles are then displaced perpendicularly to the surface normal according to some
height function. The vertices can also be assigned new normals to accurately simulate the
surface lighting.
2.3 Relief Texture Mapping
Relief texture mapping (RTM) [4] is very similar to parallax mapping in that it attempts to
simulate parallax with an image warping technique. Relief textures are prewarped
a software process before being sent to the graphics hardware. Using many relief textures
in a single application is likely to prevent the application from achieving realtime
rates. However, RTM gives high quality results. It correctly handles selfocclusions
produces texelaccurate
2.4 ViewDependent
Displacement Mapping
displacement mapping (VDM) [5] is a perpixel
rendering technique
capable of selfshadowing,
occlusions, and silhouettes. It stores a manydimensional
description in several texture maps, which are precomputed
from a height map. Although
it requires a large amount of memory for textures, VDM produces convincing images at high
frame rates. A good parallax effect is achieved because VDM textures store the relation ship
between texels along many viewing directions.