We are really excited to announce the premiere episode of fxguidetv in spanish: fxguidetv en español. This new offering from fxguide is not simply a subtitled version of our main episodes. It is a separate offering which will mirror some content from the english version but also have content that is targeted towards the community. Both versions will help feed the other with content moving forward.
http://www.fxguide.com/qt/1413/fxguidetv-en-espanol-premiere-episodePlease leave comments here if you are a native spanish-speaker and like the fact that we’re doing fxguidetv en español. If we don’t get much interest, we won’t continue producing the episodes in the future. Be sure to spread the word around the net on spanish language artist forums….as artists in the community, you’ll know best on how to get the word out.