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« en: 25 Marzo 2004, 10:28:34 »
Ya se puede descarga la versión de xsi EXP HL2 para hacer mods del juego.
Por lo que he leido tienes caracteristicas de ser un XSI 3.5 preparado para exportar para Half Life.

Por cierto que por ahora no hay opción de instalar esos exporters en una licencia de XSI original xDDDD manda narices que el que tenga uno original se tenga que bajar un EXP para hacer mods del HL.
se supone que los sacarán.


Características del EXP HL 2

All features and functionality of the commercial version of SOFTIMAGE|XSI are enabled without the hassle of licensing.

XSI data from all sources can be brought into the XSI EXP for Half-Life 2, including data from the commercial version of SOFTIMAGE|XSI.

Data output from the XSI EXP will be limited to the following:

Scene files can be saved to a special .exp file format so they can be loaded into the SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP. XSI EXP (.exp) files will not load in the commercial version of SOFTIMAGE|XSI.

Rendered pictures will be allowed but will be watermarked and limited to a size no greater than 510px x 510px.

Rendering is limited to a single CPU.

Models with 2000 triangles or less and Envelopes (skinned models) with 4000 triangles or less can exported to Valve's .SMD file format.

All pre-packaged functionality of the product written as plugins (scripts etc.) will function as normal unless explicitly removed. (see SDK section below for more information).


All licensing has been removed from the SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2.


Saving of external models has been disabled.

Loading and merging of scenes from any SOFTIMAGE|XSI version is enabled, but once the scene has been saved to the special .exp file format, that scene will be accessible only via SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP versions.

dotXSI™ files must be loaded through the File menu, they cannot be dragged and dropped into the XSI EXP interface.

Memocams contained in scenes built with the commercial version of SOFTIMAGE|XSI cannot be loaded in the XSI EXP.

The crash recovery mechanism has been disabled.

Models with 2000 triangles or less and Envelopes (skinned models) with 4000 triangles or less can exported to Valve's .SMD file format.


Workgroups – unavailable.

Add-ons - pre-existing add-ons can be loaded. Packaging and editing of add-ons has been disabled.

Layout - pre-existing layouts can be used. Creation of new layouts is allowed but saving these new layouts has been disabled.

Toolbars - pre-existing toolbars can be loaded. Creation of new toolbars is allowed but saving these new toolbars has been disabled.

Commands - pre-existing custom commands can be used. Creation of new custom command allowed but saving these new custom commands has been disabled.

Custom psets – pre-existing custom pset presets can be used. Dynamic custom psets created from within the UI and saved with the scene can also be used. Any spdl-based custom psets cannot be saved.

Synoptic - pre-existing synoptics can be loaded. Creating new synoptics is possible but saving these new synoptics has been disabled.

Key maps - pre-existing key maps can be loaded. Users can create new key maps but saving these new key maps has been disabled.

Presets - pre-existing presets can be loaded.  Users can create new presets but saving these new presets has been disabled.

User Preferences - changes can be made to the User Preferences but these changes will not be persistent.


FCurve Editor - save and export fraw2 has been blocked.

ScriptedOp Editor - all interfaces that extract data are unavailable. Parameter connection has been disabled.

Expression Editor - saving expressions to a file as either expression files or fcurves has been disabled.

Texture Editor - Export Clip has been blocked.

Image Viewer - Export Clip has been blocked.

Weight Editor - Export Clip has been blocked.


FX Tree - the File Output node has been blocked.


All caching which creates files on disk has been disabled.


The mental ray standalone renderer has been removed.

Thread and host parallelism (distributed rendering, multi-cpu) is unavailable.

.mi file export is unavailable.

Interactive rendering is allowed, but  XSI batch processing has been disabled.

Command line options, xsi -script and xsi –r,have been removed.

Shadow, photon, and final gathering map files as well light mapping cannot be loaded or saved.

Interactive rendering is permitted up to a resolution no greater than 510px x 510px  (even numbers only).

Preview/pass rendering is restricted to a resolution of 400px x 300px

Rendered images will be watermarked with a SOFTIMAGE|XSI and mental ray watermark.

Real-Time Shaders

All pre-existing shaders have been statically linked, there is no way to create custom shaders (inclusive of all shader types, such as: ogl, dx and cg).

OGL viewports

Viewport capture has been disabled.

Viewports all bear a watermark.

File Export

ExportAction has been disabled.

ExportdotXSIFile has been disabled.

ExportIGES has been disabled.

Both the standalone and built-in Flipbook executable has been removed, but the FX Tree will be able to provide this function in the XSI EXP.

Valve Half-Life 2-specific export functions and add-ons have been added

SDK API / Plugins / Addons


Creation and traversal of a scene is allowed in the XSI EXP.

"getvalue()" has been blocked which may hinder the function of some pre-existing scripts.

The scripting log window has been limited to 10 lines at a time.


SDK data accessor methods have been blocked which may hinder the function of most compiled plug-ins.


Events, Commands and ScriptedOps

Only built-in plugins will be able to get data.

Parameters cannot be connected as inputs to custom operators.

ScriptedOps cannot be saved to an SPDL.

Presets cannot be saved.

Custom commands cannot be saved.


SPDLs cannot be installed directly.

SPDLs cannot be uninstalled.



Addons can be installed, but some might need to be re-installed when the XSI EXP is restarted.

Addons can be uninstalled.




« Respuesta #1 en: 29 Marzo 2004, 13:14:14 »
Buenas a todos yo tengo una beta del half life 2 y dentro salen exportadores para,3dmax 2.5 y 3 y para el softi hasta la version 3 lo estoy probando en la 3.5 pero me parece que no rula bien,estoy en ello ya os contare.




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« Respuesta #2 en: 29 Marzo 2004, 13:42:51 »
1 pregunta Txolo, esa beta del haf life 2, es la que rulaba por el emule no? la de gyga y pico no? ???


« Respuesta #3 en: 29 Marzo 2004, 16:09:53 »
Si es esa,esta verde todavia pero se pueden ver muchas cosas yo la verdad es que flipe con muchas cosas y si tienes un buen pepino de ordenata mejor que mejor pero lo que te digo esta todavia un poco verde.

Un saludo.



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« Respuesta #4 en: 29 Marzo 2004, 20:20:20 »
si teneis una beta y no sois betatester, que queda claro hablando del emule, no sigais hablando de esto en publico.


« Respuesta #5 en: 29 Marzo 2004, 21:23:07 »
ok,lo siento no he caido.