Pues una nueva versión para solucionar bugs y tal xD
Lo que soluciona:
UDEV00213650 OGL transparency not applied to instances.
UDEV00204101 Missing shader data when rendering with particle shaders.
UDEV00213296 XSIBatch doesn''t return error status.
UDEV00217274 Copy options form render/region does not support rasterizer motion samples parameters.
UDEV00215986 Fast SSS is missing an attribute that is listed in the help doc "Sample Indirect Lighting."
UDEV00218085 XSIBatch 64bit freezes after rendering.
UDEV00207656 Problem with Large Mesh Splitting.
UDEV00214844 Seams on split objects with displacement and subd geoshader.
UDEV00215763 COLOR1 not pushed through to DirectX RTS.
UDEV00218049 XSIBATCH reporting error on -r -scene -file_type.
UDEV00218592 SSS Fast Skin creates bad alphas when radiance is on.
UDEV00221028 Black spots in render.
UDEV00220390 External Libraries.
UDEV00207088 Trouble running multiple instances of XSI.
UDEV00208503 Crash loading scenes with isolation selected.
UDEV00215130 Focus on script editor has unintended bad consequences.
UDEV00208965 XSI crashes when doing "Remove Neutral Pose" with the Scene Root selected.
UDEV00218344 Crash in Fx Tree keyer UI, changing mode.
UDEV00216173 Modify labels, grouping for auto-save user preference for clarity.
UDEV00215765 Immediate Mode Broken in XSI 5.1.
UDEV00213066 Rasterizer's motion samples parameter doesn't work.
UDEV00216895 Isolate Selection : Need an "Update Isolated Selection" menu command.
UDEV00214078 OnEndFileImport event not called for referenced models.
UDEV00211979 Can't compile CGShaderHandler, looking for XERCESC_INC_PATH.
UDEV00212928 Using UpdateConnectIOo on Optional Ports of customoperators.
UDEV00217895 Allow access to GeometryAccessor from within an operator.
UDEV00213860 PPG Logic doesn't work for C++-based SICO.
UDEV00214914 F2 raises errors when connected to SDK Example workgroup.
UDEV00219483 Custom shaders don't register a ProgID.
UDEV00220271 Crash when removing self installed compiled op.
UDEV00220725 Scripted Operator Editor - XSI crashes when you try to add connection.
UDEV00211747 Issue with the particle user parameters.
Data Management
UDEV00213582 Specific dotXSI file crashes on import with undefined error.
UDEV00214718 Crash using .cgfx with CG 1.5 Beta1.
UDEV00216170 DotXSI 3.6 file referencing addition.
UDEV00213673 Copy External Files under Project Crash.
UDEV00213178 XSI disappears when importing some .obj or .igs files.
UDEV00214190 .obj files may crash XSI on import.
UDEV00215092 Refmodels - Lost NPoints constraint when updating refmodel.
UDEV00216506 Deadlock on import of specific OBJ file.
UDEV00218246 Cannot Import CT scan via obj importer in XSI.
UDEV00218027 PointOven - UNC paths to export MDD mangles paths and file names.
UDEV00216649 Point Oven only works at default fps frames per second.
UDEV00213147 XSI Crashes Doing Export Point Oven Baker then click on "Add Selected" with nothing selected.
UDEV00220110 PointOven - Fail to plot points cache when object constraint to object with PO points cache reader.
y ahora lo que ya se ha descubierto que con 5.11 da problemas
Data Management
Bug ID Description/Workaround
XSI v.5.11 is NOT FORWARD-COMPATIBLE. This means that any scenes saved in 5.11 won't load in 5.1 or earlier.
UDEV00213115 Point Oven does not import or export hierarchies of objects. On import, the hierarchy is flattened. On export, objects under the parent are ignored.
Workaround: To ensure the export of all objects, choose Export > Point Oven > Point Oven Baker and add each object you want to export to the list box on the Main tab.
UDEV00221386 After importing a PointOven scene (.psc) into an XSI scene and then saving the scene, XSIBATCH will freeze and render frames twice.
Workaround: Re-open the scene and re-save it and it will render completely.
Bug ID Description/Workaround
UDEV00209140 .cgfx shaders crash under Linux.
UDEV00209141 CG Examples Crash under linux.
UDEV00197470 View dependent fine displacement has been improved, although problems with artifacts remain, and are actively being investigated. It is therefore recommended that when using it to keep the subdivision level at 2 or more on the subdivision surface. In addition, it is also recommended to keep the max displacement subdivision below 4. The length parameter for view-dependent displacement should also be around 1.0. If seam-like artifacts are appearing in scenes with higher settings, it means that mental ray is breaking the object into too many pieces which can make seams appear. In that case it is recommended to change settings on the objects that are exhibiting problems.
Bug ID Description/Workaround
UDEV00136195 Exact collisons may give unstable results in specific cases.
Workaround: It is recommended to use average spheres to obtain good results with collisions.
User Interface
Bug ID Description/Workaround
UDEV00211098 XSI will crash when you edit a layout that contains a material editor relational view.
Workaround: When you create a layout that contains a material editor relational view use another view type, such as an explorer, as a placeholder. Edit the xml file directly and replace the name of the placeholder view with the name of the material editor