
Nuevo video de 3DTutorial

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Nuevo video de 3DTutorial
« en: 22 Diciembre 2003, 19:42:29 »
y es que no paran... afortunadamente...
ahora han sacado...
XSI - Advanced Rendertree Techniques Vol. 1
A 3 hour 28 minute video based, self-paced multimedia training series focused on the SOFTIMAGE|XSI Rendertree. This volume looks at the fundamentals of the RT and provides an understanding of the rendertree and the nodes you'll need in every day production work.    


El precio... US$ 35.00      mas baratos que los anteriores, supongo que debido a que la duración es notablemente inferior.

What's Inside: This is a 3 hour 28 minute desktop video based, self-paced multimedia training series focused on the SOFTIMAGE|XSI Rendertree.
This volume looks at the fundamentals of the RT and provides an understanding of the rendertree and the nodes you'll need in every day production work.

This volume is aimed ALL levels of XSI expertise, it provides the beginning to intermediate level user with a kick start to understanding the RT, while at the same time providing professionals with a deeper understanding of the most common nodes and a new way of thinking about their use.

This series (the 1st of 3 volumes) consists of 25 lessons in total and focus on the following topics:

1. Introduction -16:08
2. Phong, Pt. A - 09:08
3. Phong, Pt. B - 09:18
4. Lambert - 07:45
5. Blinn - 05:28
6. Cook Torrance - 7:50
7. Strauss - 05:58
8. Anisotropic - 07:04
9. Constant - 03:10
10. Simple Translucent - 06:42
11. Simple Shadow - 04:03
12. Sprite - 06:33
13. Flat Light - 02:17
14. Image Pt. A - 09:42
15. Image Pt. B - 11:48
16. Image Pt. C - 10:41
17. 2d Procedural Pt. A - 10:04
18. 2d Procedural Pt. B - 10:02
19. 3d Procedural Pt. A - 09:06
20. 3d Procedural Pt. B - 08:03
21. Bump Map Generator - 08:12
22. Alpha Channel & Masks - 11:18
23 Color Manipulation - 08:10
24. Standard Mixers - 09:43
25. Color Share - 09:54

This series also comes with complete project files consisting of 15 scenes with even more techniques and ideas for achieving specific effects.

Author: Alan Jones
Mr. Jones resides in Australia and is widely regarded as an expert SOFTIMAGE|XSI rendertree user.

With a background in computer science and graphic design, Alan provides training, consulting and technical support to SOFTIMAGE|XSI internationally. Alan's versatility, as both a technician and an artist has enabled him to master and unlock the complexity of the SOFTIMAGE|XSI rendertree in a way that is clear and simple for anyone to understand.

Alan Jones new title, "XSI - Advanced Rendertree Techniques, Volume 1 (fundamentals) is the first step in unlocking the secrets of this complex and till now widely misunderstood area of SOFTIMAGE|XSI.


PD. yo todavia tengo que terminar de ver el primer paquete que sacaron, el 2º ni lo he empezado xDDD si es que el dia deberia tener 48 horas...