
Custom ICE Node: emRenderPointCloud

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Custom ICE Node: emRenderPointCloud
« en: 31 Marzo 2009, 03:16:47 »
emRPC is an ICE node that renders point clouds directly to disk. Even though the node renders the particles in a rather primitive way it can come in handy when dealing with many particles (>250.000), because it has one great feature: it is fast, so rendering a frame with anti-alias generally only takes a few seconds.

The plug-in consists of a DLL file for the renderer (compiled C++ code for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of XSI) as well as a compound (see following image).

Here you will find the link to the emRenderPointCloud page where you can read a little more about this plug-in, look at some demo animations, download the demo version etc.:


Re: Custom ICE Node: emRenderPointCloud
« Respuesta #1 en: 31 Marzo 2009, 03:57:10 »
jeje, oleada de nodos para ICE!

A ver si dentro de poco tenemos un equivalente a krakatoa dentro de XSI :)