Aqui os dejo una lista de los links que han metido en el netview de la version 4.
SITES FEATURING SOFTIMAGE RESOURCES - Discussion forum for XSI artists in Poland.
3D - Excellent source of tutorials for XSI. - XSI presets and tutorials (scroll to bottom of page).
CG Talk - Has a great forum for XSI Users moderated by Ed Harriss.
XSI User Groups -a list of user groups from XSI Base. - A whole slew of free tools for XSI. - XSI Community in Russia. - XSI community in Italy. - XSI community in Germany.
Foro XSI - Spanish XSI forum discussing many aspects of using the software.
; - A Spanish forum for XSI Users. - Plenty of tutorials for using Real Time Shaders in XSI.
XSI Base - A forum for XSI Users.
REALeMOTION Studios - A Spanish site with plenty of resources and galleries for XSI users. - Cool portal for 3D resources, art, news, and more.
XSI Korea - Hanbisoft, Softimage Master reseller site.
Korean User Group - The site for XSI artists in Korea. - A very informative site for all things 3D, includes lots of tools and news.
FreeImage - A non-profit community site run by artists.
XSI Files A resource site created by Craig Simmons to keep track of XSI news, information and resources. - top-notch resources and information for 3D artists.
CG Channel - an excellent portal for CG artists to get news, tools and industry info.
China XSI - a portal with news and resources for XSI users in China.
Digital Producer - CG news portal.
3D Cafe
3D Ark
3D Up - a massive site for resources and models.