
XSI Illuminated - creating character animation

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XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« en: 26 Octubre 2008, 18:12:11 »
XSI Illuminated: Character is a comprehensive technical and artistic guide to creating character animation using Softimage|XSI.

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Chapter 1: Planning for Animation
How to Read This Book
What This Book covers
What This Book Does Not Cover
Storyboarding and Animatic
Character Design
Planning for Large Productions
The Pipeline
Project Tracking
Getting ready to start a big project?

Chapter 2 : Non-Linear Animation with the Mixer
Setting Up XSI
Setting and Editing Keyframes
Marking Properties
Checking what property is marked
Adding to the Marked Property List
Locking and clearing the marked property list
Being a productive keyframer
The Animation Divot and the Animation Menu
Removing Animation
Open up the Animation_Spring scene
Copying and Pasting animation
Animation Curves and the Animation Editor
Showing the Animation Editor
Animation Editor tools and tips
Keys in the Animation Editor
What the Slope of the Curve Means
Changing one key value at a time
Selecting Many Keys at Once
Locking to frames
Adding and Deleting Keys
Changing Slope
Swap and Snap
The Region Tool
Multiple items at once in the Animation Editor
Cycles and the Animation Editor
Creeping Cycles
Relative Cycles
Freezing and Removing Cycles
Timing Changes with the Dopesheet
Decoding the Dopesheet
Adjusting timing in the Dopesheet
All About the Mixer
Models have a special icon
Adding tracks to the Mixer
What Time Is It?
Storing Pose Actions
Store Current Values
Sequencing in the Mixer
Loading Actions into the Mixer
The Duration of a Clip
Feedback on Duration
Bounce and Cycle
Drag and Drop Actions
The Transition Tool
Storing Animation Actions
TimeWarp and Actions
Audio Tracks in the Mixer
Blending Different Actions
The Blend slider in the Mixer
Weight Curves
Additive versus Average Weights
Tutorial: The Subwoofer
Deleting and Renaming Actions
Mute, Solo and Size Tracks

Chapter 3: Design and Modeling with Polygons
Polygon Modeling History and Uses
Polygons in Game Engines
Polygons in the Renderer
Polygons in Subdivision Surface Modeling
Scanned Models and Point Clouds
Polygon Terminology
Vertex, vertices
The Polygon Components Filter
Setting Selection Preferences
Selecting Components
Transforming Edges, Vertices, and Polygons
Drawing polygons from scratch and Aligning edges
Conforming Normals
Serious Poly Modeling
The Operator stack, Immediate mode, and Freeze
Polygon Duplicate means Extrude
Extrude along curve
Duplicating a Vertex
Duplicating an Edge
Add Edge
Split Edge and Split Polygon
Exercise: Manta Ray
Deleting Polygons, Vertices, and Edges
Collapsing Polygons, Edges, and Vertices
Dissolving Edges, Vertices and Polygons
Exercise: Modeling Diamonds
Keeping Models Symmetrical
Merge and Blend Polygon Meshes
Booleans and Polygons
Polygon Bridge
From NURBS to Polygons
Going from NURBS to Polygons
Polygon reduction tools in Softimage|3D 4.x
Subdivision Surfaces
The Subdivision operator
The Geometry Approximation Method
Working with Sub-D surfaces
Local Subdivision
Exercise: Angler Fish
Setting harder edges and boundaries

Chapter 4 : Shape Shifting
Deformations in XSI
Deformations are stored on Clusters
Making Clusters on your Character
WeightMaps Modify Deformations
Connecting WeightMaps to other operators
Bulge and Twist Deformations
Spline Deformation and Constrain Cluster to Object
Exercise: Sea Creatures swimming with Spline Deformation
Deformation by Spine: Quetzal Neck
Deform->Cluster Center
Deformation by Cage
Exercise: Small sea monster eats larger one
Deformation by Volume
Shrinkwrap Deformation
Exercise: Smaller Monster wraps around larger one
QuickStretch Deformation
Example: The Flying Egg
The Push Tool
All About Shape Animation
Shape Tracks in the Mixer
Save Key Shape
Store Key Shape
Exercise: Shape Animation for Musculature
Select Key Shape
Exercise: Practice with Shape Mixing
Shape Animation for Expressions and Lip Sync
Using Proportional Modeling
Proportional Setup
Hierarchies of Shape animation
Tutorial: A Shape Tree for Facial Animation
Order of Operators

Chapter 5 : Inverse Kinematics
Inverse Kinematic Concepts
Forward Kinematics vs Inverse Kinematics
What's a Solver?
More IK Terminology
The Cones of Doom
Exercise: Drawing Your First Chain
Selecting IK Bits
Types of Chains
2D Chains
3D Chains
The Resolution Plane
Preferred Axis Constraint
Up Vector Constraints
Changing the IK Solver Type
Bone Length and Shadow Radius
Setting Joint Rotation Limits
Using Joint Roll
Joint Friction
Forward Kinematics with IK Chains
FK/IK Blending
Pseudo Roots
Parenting IK Chains Together
Skeleton Symmetry
Get Back
Methods of Attaching Geometry to IK
Rigid Enveloping
Tutorial: Egg Factory IK Setup
Interview: Matt Lind

Chapter 6: Skins: Enveloping and Weighting
Binding Skins to IK and Weighting theory
Flexible Enveloping to Inverse Kinematic Chains
How Envelope Assignment Works
Local Joint Assignment
Assignment to the whole Chain
Keep controls and constraints out of the hierarchy
Tutorial: Cartoon Hand
Envelope Assignment Depth
Envelope Assignment Method
Adding in new Deformers
Removing Envelopes
Enveloping to Objects other than IK
Weighting Your Skin
Viewing the Weight Map
Hurry Up and Weight
Manual IK weighting
Mixing weights Manually with Edit Weights
Envelope Weighting with Paint
Shaded Mode, Constant Mode
Mixed Mode and X-ray Mode
Viewing Names on IK
Adjusting Paint Brush properties
Softness, opacity, size, coverage
Adding Weight to one bone
Isolating one bone
Posing models in bad positions
Smoothing Envelope Weights
Painting Smoothing On
Looking at Each Sample Weight
Tutorial: Weighting Lorphea
Interview: Bob Bonniol

Chapter 7 : Custom Properties & Linked Parameters
Custom Parameter Sets
Adding Custom properties
Editing Custom Properties
Example: Monstrous Properties
Collecting Proxy Properties
Links and Relative Values
Tutorial: Linked Spring
Linking IK to Custom Sliders
Tutorial: The Monkey's Paw
Linking Muscles to Bones
Pose-Based Shape Animation
Tutorial: The Stretch

Chapter 8 : Human Character Modeling
Building a Good Pose for Weighting
Using Reference Material with Rotoscope
Keeping Proportions with Rotoscope
Modeling Technique
Keep it simple
Edge Loops, Contours, and Poles
Modeling for Expressions and Lip Sync
Building musculature
Building detail around Joints
Body Parts
Feet and Toes
Hands and Fingers
Head and Face
It's Alive!
Proportional Template
Smoothing Characters

Chapter 9: Complex Human IK Rigs
Control Rigs
Making a Model
Making a Model shareable
Hierarchy Versus Constraints
The Strategy of the Hierarchy
Easier Enveloping
Easy Selection
Automatic Animation and Levels of Control
Easier Animation
Animation Re-use
Building a Simple control rig
Using Clusters with IK
The COG and GPS
Controlling the Resolution Plane
Organizing with Layers
Where to put Custom Controls
Limiting Range of Motion
IK Controls for Feet
Controlling Leg IK with Two Constraints
IK Controls for Arms and Hands
IK and Controls for Hands
IK and rotation for forearms
IK and controls for Spinal Column
Building in Rigidity
Building Soft Tissues
Linking in Muscle Behaviors
Using Higher Assignment Depth
Setting Keyframes and Saving Actions

Chapter 10: Saving Time with Expressions
What is an Expression?
Why are they so useful?
What kind of people use expressions?
Property Names
Adding expressions onto objects
Simple expressions
The process of gradual refinement
Expression Syntax
Objects, properties, and animation curves
Where's position in X and what's a Euler?
Which object does the expression go on?
Naming conventions
Mathematics, order of operations, and parenthesis
Using another object in the expression
Functions, Constants and Variables
The Random Seed
Decisions and Logic
Tutorial: Swishing the Tail
Tutorial: Pulsing Lasers and Other Repetitive Stuff
Tutorial: Hot Wheels
Tutorial: Expressions Mixing Shapes
Interview: Ludovick William Michaud

Chapter 11 : Advanced Character Setup
Becoming a Technical Director
Innovative controls for animators
Tutorial: Custom PPGs and the Heads-Up Display
The Amount slider and the Degree slider
3D controllers vs 2D sliders
Tutorial: Building 3D body controllers
Facial Animation Controllers
Tutorial: Facial Animation Controller
Exercise: Saving a Library of Actions
Creating and Using the Synoptic View
Tutorial: Simple Synoptic
Expressions for Human Movement
Automatic Hip Placement between feet
Pelvis Lean (Hips.kine.local.posz)
Pelvis Sway (Hips.kine.local.posx)
Pelvis Crouch (Hips.kine.local.posy)
Weight Transfer for Balance (Hips.kine.local.posx)
Automatic Pelvis Rotation
Hips Rotate with Feet (Hips.kine.local.roty)
Follow forward foot (Hipskinelocalroty)
Bear Weight (Hipskinelocalrotz)
Bowing and Backflips (Hips.local.kine.rotx)
Foot collision detection with the floor
Collarbone Expressions
Collarbone Lean
Collarbone Sway
Collarbone Dip
Collarbone Rotations
Spinal Column Expressions

Chapter 12: Emotion and Facial Musculature
Setting up a face for emotion, not lip sync
Using Envelope Deformers as Muscles
Multi-point Constraints
Shapes and Constrain to Cluster
Thinking about Muscles
Opposing action with three shapes
Tutorial: Facial Expression Rig
Interview: Ed Harriss


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #1 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 18:30:08 »
Parece muy completito. Buen aporte.


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  • Back from the ashes.
Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #2 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 18:47:55 »
Alguien lo pudo descargar?, a mi no me va el link, solo el de Teacher's Aide...
Gracias por el link, por cierto.

« Última modificación: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:09:15 por Wounded Knee »


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #4 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:06:42 »
Pues el primer link me tira una página de DNS, y no se que más.. no se puede bajar :S o a veces el server de ftp, pero solo aparece la lista de los 5 o 6 archivos que tiene alojados, puedo bajar todos menos el pdf en si :S
El segundo pues nada.. que estoy viendo si lo puedo bajar pero sigue sin peso alguno :s


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #5 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:09:39 »
Prueba el primero ahora


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #6 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:13:13 »
nada que raro me tira esto :S


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #7 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:23:41 »
Que raro, está tratando el archivo pdf como una carpeta.

Has probado guardando el enlace al disco duro? boton dcho, guardar enlace como...


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Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #8 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:31:21 »
gracias por el aporte!!!a mi si que me va bien


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  • Back from the ashes.
Re: XSI Illuminated - creating character animation
« Respuesta #9 en: 26 Octubre 2008, 20:34:14 »
Que raro, está tratando el archivo pdf como una carpeta.

Has probado guardando el enlace al disco duro? boton dcho, guardar enlace como...

Si sr, varias veces y me salia "unknown" en KB, pero lo volvi a probar y ya ha salido.. 23.47mb ^^